16th International Conference on

Mathematical Modelling

and Analysis

May 25-28, 2011, Sigulda, Latvia


 Conference Themes


 First announcement

 Second announcement

 Abstracts and Proceedings


 Conference Programme

 List of Participants

 Social Programme



 MMA Journal

 About Latvia, Riga and Sigulda


Conference participants are offered to stay at the hotel Sigulda, http://www.hotelsigulda.lv, located Pils str. 6, Sigulda, which has been reserved only for the participants of MMA during May 25 - 28. The prices: single room 40 EUR per night, double room 48 EUR per night, room with additional third bed 66 EUR per night, breakfast included in all cases.  Please contact directly with this hotel by e-mail hotelsigulda@latnet.lv  (because the usual booking system is blocked for the duration of the conference) and inform the organizers by e-mail aijal@lanet.lv before May 10, 2011 if you intend to stay at this hotel.

The following hotels are situated very close to the Conference centre:

Hotel Pils, Sigulda, Pils str. 4, http://www.hotelpils.lv, info@hotelpils.lv

Hotel Melnais Kakis, Sigulda, Pils str. 8, http://www.cathouse.lv/, cathouse@inbox.lv

Beķereja bistro_kau_mja03

Other accommodation places in Sigulda are listed in the web page 


Please do not hesitate to contact us in order to solve the accommodation problems.


Last update: March 24, 2011

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