16th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis May 25-28, 2011, Sigulda, Latvia | |
Visas In order to timely prepare an invitation for your visa application we ask you to send the following information before April 1, 2011 to the e-mail aijal@lanet.lv:1.
Period of stay in Latvia (arrival and departure dates). For information concerning Latvian entry regulation please visit http://www.am.gov.lv/en/service/entry-into-latvia/obtaining-visas/
Arrival to Latvia and Riga Riga International Coach Terminal https://www.latvija.lv/EN/WebLinks/Tourism/Transport/
Get from Riga to Sigulda is very easy - by train or by bus which goes every hour. Sigulda is crossing A2 autoroad Riga - Veclaicene (53 km).
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